Cat 003

Supporting a Large UK Bank’s Cybersecurity Remediation Programmme

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We worked with this UK bank to:

  • Manage all aspects of its cybersecurity remediation programme: data protection, internal and external systems, third-party management, identity and access management (IAM), security awareness, and physical security;
  • Renew and bring innovation to its physical security services: put in place live monitoring for its retail bank branches to better prevent and respond to security incidents, upgrade and streamline video-surveillance and access-control infrastructure for the bank’s sites worldwide (at both branches and offices); and
  • Assess the bank’s level of compliance with the SWIFT CSP standards.

Wavestone rapidly deployed 12 of its most experienced consultants from 3 offices (London, New York, and Paris); they provided dual expertise—business and technical—to the bank, enabling it to effectively streamline its cybersecurity programme.


Wavestone was engaged by a large UK bank to help implement a number of projects being conducted by its IT security team.

In particular, Wavestone provided support for the bank’s cybersecurity remediation programme – a critical, group-wide initiative to design, procure, and deploy cybersecurity services on a global basis. Physical security services were a key area of focus.

In parallel, Wavestone supported the bank in a self-assessment process against the SWIFT Customer Security Program (CSP) standard.

Jean charles

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Professionnel référencé est le dispositif gouvernemental d'assistance aux victimes d'actes de cybermalveillance, de sensibilisation aux risques numériques et d'observation de la menace sur le territoire français.
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